Calling all Agritech Startups to collaborate with Farmers (India)

Summary: Kerala Startup Mission invites agritech startups to collaborate with farmers in rural Kerala to solve key challenges like crop damage, pest control, irrigation, machinery costs, organic farming, logistics, and waste management. Apply now! Meta Description: Kerala Startup Mission seeks agritech startups to address crop damage, pest control, irrigation, machinery costs, organic farming, logistics, and waste management. Collaborate with farmers in rural Kerala. Apply now!

Jul 12, 2024 - 16:18
 0  150
Calling all Agritech Startups to collaborate with Farmers (India)

Important Dates:

  • Post Date: July 11, 2024
  • Deadline Date: Ongoing

Donor Name:

  • Kerala Startup Mission

Grant Size:

  • Not Available


  • Events

Call to Action:

  • Kerala Startup Mission is inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) from startups to collaborate with farmers.

Focus Areas:

  • Sustainability: Using technology to address environmental issues, promote resource efficiency, and align with Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Social Impact: Innovations that empower communities, foster inclusion, and create a more equitable world.
  • Rural Development: Bridging the gap in rural areas through technology, bringing essential services and economic opportunities.

What Kerala Startup Mission is looking for:

  • Mitigating crop damage caused by wild animals and bird attacks.
  • Addressing pest infestations to safeguard crop yields and farmer livelihoods.
  • Improving access to irrigation facilities and tackling water scarcity.
  • Reducing the financial burden of expensive agricultural machinery.
  • Lowering production costs and mitigating competition to support organic farming.
  • Providing manufacturing and distribution of quality bio-inputs, such as biopesticides and biofertilizers.
  • Establishing mechanisms for fair pricing and price stabilization.
  • Streamlining logistics and improving handling facilities for agricultural products.
  • Tackling labor shortages and reducing labor costs in agriculture.
  • Developing technologies for affordable and convenient soil testing.
  • Implementing efficient farm waste management strategies.
  • Any other solutions that help farmers.

For more information, visit Kerala Startup Mission.

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