RFP for the selection of Grant Beneficiary for the implementation of A2D Facility Pilot Demonstration Projects in Developing Countries

Title: UNIDO A2D Facility Grant RFP Description: UNIDO seeks proposals for pilot projects in clean energy technologies. Grants of USD 3-5 million available. Apply by 19 August 2024. Details at UNIDO e-Procurement portal.

Jul 31, 2024 - 12:18
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RFP for the selection of Grant Beneficiary for the implementation of A2D Facility Pilot Demonstration Projects in Developing Countries

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Apply By:
19 August 2024

About UNIDO:
UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization, and environmental sustainability. It focuses on inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID), as recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNIDO’s mission aligns with SDG-9, which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.

About the Proposal:
UNIDO invites proposals for the Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility’s later-stage pilot demonstration projects. The focus is on the commercialization of innovative clean energy technologies in developing countries, specifically in the following areas:

  • Critical minerals
  • Clean hydrogen
  • Smart energy
  • Industrial decarbonization

A2D Facility Aims:

  • To accelerate the commercialization of innovative clean energy technologies.
  • Support “lighthouse” pilot demonstration projects with transformational potential in meeting SDGs 13, 1, and 9.
  • Funding expected to be between USD 3-5 million per project.

A2D Facility Activities:

  • In-Scope Activities:

    • Pilot demonstration activities: Implementation, operation, equipment purchases, construction, testing.
    • Training and capacity building linked to the pilot project.
    • Knowledge dissemination and performance monitoring.
  • Out-of-Scope Activities:

    • Planning activities (e.g., pre-feasibility studies).
    • Policy, regulatory, and legislative support.
    • Research and development.
    • Activities not focused on the thematic areas (e.g., technologies related to unabated fossil fuels).
    • Activities with negative environmental or social impacts.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Legal Entity: Must be registered and authorized to enter into contracts with UNIDO.
  • Experience: At least three years in relevant services.
  • Consortium Requirements: Must partner with at least one local organization in the developing country.
  • Documents Needed:
    • Certificate of Incorporation or equivalent.
    • Audited financial reports and UNIDO Financial Statement Form.
    • Institutional/Micro Assessment Form, Bank Information Form, and Statement of Confirmation.
    • Acceptance of UNIDO model grant agreement and general conditions.

How to Apply:
Submit a detailed grant proposal and all relevant supporting documents via the UNIDO e-Procurement portal by 19 August 2024, 16:00 Vienna CET. Late submissions will be invalid.

Additional Information:

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